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Felicity LabLink

Seamless Laboratory Integration Platform

Felicity LabLink is an open-source laboratory integration platform that enables seamless connectivity between laboratory instruments and information systems through RS-232 and MLLP protocols.

Quick Setup

  1. Install MariaDB and create database
  2. Install Python 3.11 via Miniconda
  3. Clone repository and install dependencies
  4. Configure and run migrations

Check our documentation for detailed configuration options.

RS-232 Support

Direct connection to laboratory instruments via serial interface

MLLP Protocol

TCP/IP connectivity with MLLP client and server support

Supervisor Integration

Built-in process management and monitoring capabilities

Secure Transfer

Protected data exchange with comprehensive error handling

Tech Stack

  • Python 3.11Core runtime
  • MariaDBData storage
  • SupervisorProcess management
  • ASTM/HL7Protocol support